ExFish, by Randy Tayler
God hates Laban

Jun 18, 2024

Brass plates, gold plates, stones and liahonas

For the non-Mormon reader, today is a story out of the Book of Mormon.

The prophet Nephi is commanded to obtain the brass plates so that his descendants will still have the law of Moses and all that. 

He is ordered to kill Laban, an evil man, and steal his clothes to impersonate him, and then con a servant into giving him the plates. 

Meanwhile,1000 years in the future, the prophet Mormon is compiling all the scriptures from the peoples that he can, so it can reach the hands of Joseph Smith a millennium later.

Only... Joseph barely used the plates Mormon prepared. The translating was done by looking at a seer stone that dimly glowed with the words - impossible to see unless he has the stone in a hat to block out other light. 

The inscriptions on the plates are useless, because he has a magic rock. 

Likewise, Nephi the murderer shortly discovers the Liahona, a compass that words could appear on when sought with faith.

So why did Nephi have to get the plates? He could just transcribe them from the Liahona.

God must've REALLY hated Laban.



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