ExFish, by Randy Tayler
Chapter 1 verse 1

Apr 1, 2024

Happy Launch Day

Is it intentional when a webcomic launches on April Fools Day? A deliberate play on the humor intrinsic in this calendar date?

Nah, just coincidence.


I needed a launch date that was far enough in the future that I could create comics in advance. (I'm writing this on February 18, 2024. I have 29 comics inked at this point, but I don't have all the bonus strips ready, and at least one of the comics is too blah to want to publish. We'll see if it makes the cut.)

But! It so happens that April 1st is also the birthday of my great friend, Daryn, who provided me enormous comfort when I finally left Mormonism. So I'm celebrating him as part of the comic's launch. Thanks, Daryn, for being there for me.

I hope people enjoy this comic. I hope it brings some laughs. But mostly, I hope that ex-believers can free themselves of some bitterness (a very natural part of the deconstruction process), and I also hope that those who maintain their belief can better see the love and goodness that fills the hearts of so many atheists.


Comments (1)


That's a pretty new approach, I've never thought of that argument. Then again, I never really ever considered the flood much. Thankfully, my family was already sort of lax on their faith and didn't care much about literally interpreting the bible.

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