ExFish, by Randy Tayler
God is love, verse 7

Jun 13, 2024

Cars are hard to draw, says area cartoonist

I dunno what kind of car that is that Xavier and Ben zip around in. I didn't use references, and I don't know cars particularly well. It's vaguely the shape of an AMC Gremlin, I think, but "vaguely" is a broad term. 

It's currently 3:22am. I'll stop here.

Comments (2)


The car made me laugh a bit. I have pretty decent Aphantasia and have serious difficulties picturing something in my head. If you really wanted to see something funny you should have me draw a bicycle at 3:22am with no reference picture.

I think there is a chain? Somewhere between the two tires? There are pedals? Attached somehow? 😆


For bicycles I usually start with a triangle, then two circles, then the crumpling of paper and some tears.

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