ExFish, by Randy Tayler
His foot got better shut up

May 28, 2024


The reader with an eye for art will notice that the quality of the artwork has declined since I started the strip two months ago.

This is a by-product of laziness, perhaps, but also time constraints. Each comic takes about 75-90 minutes to draw, I've found, and that's if I'm taking shortcuts. To draw better would a) require more skill than I currently have, and b) take more time than I currently have. 

So, if the art bugs you like it does me, you're not alone. Sorry! Sorta.

If you aren't already on the ExFish subreddit, please join! Let's talk! Tell me what you like and don't like. I'm kinda posting these in a vacuum right now.


Would anybody like a Discord server? I can spin one up easily enough. I just want to HEAR from people. I'm inclined to take a break (already!) without knowing if many folks are really reading. Maybe I could just go down to every-other-day comics? But I'd rather keep up the daily schedule.

Thanks for reading! Be nice. 


P.S. If anybody is a web analytics guru, I have questions about my traffic. Apache logs seem to indicate about 500 weekly readers. Google Analytics says it's more like 80. 



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