Apr 27, 2024
Upping My Good Neighbor Game
I'm moving today.
I recall the many "service opportunities" I had in the elders quorum to help people move. I stopped participating at least a decade before I left the church - not out of a dislike of helping people move, but rather because I have a terrible back. I cracked a few vertebrae 30 years ago, and it's been unhappy with me ever since. Lifting heavy things makes it Very Unhappy.
(But I definitely did dislike helping people move! I'm just saying that's not why I stopped. I stopped for health and pain reasons.)
I feel like the expectation that your Christian neighbors should help you move in or out is pretty unfair. If you take the attitude of "Well, it's what Christ would do," then you're imposing your belief on others. If you're using the WWJD litmus test to decide your own actions, great. Just don't expect that others to reach the same conclusion. Don't take it for granted that "that's what good people do: they help others move."
I hired movers. That's my way of being a good neighbor today. :)