ExFish, by Randy Tayler
Chapter 2 verse 5

Apr 19, 2024

Wow! Just... wow.

So, that went well - I announced the site on Reddit (https://reddit.com/exmormon) and lots of people came to the party, so to speak.

I'm so happy! Here are some of the things people said:

Your panel for the 16th made me cry like a baby, you've got a new fan here!



Nice. Keep going! I'll buy your book once they're all done!



I love this. Great work, I’m excited to see more.

- -LilPickle-

And lots more! Thank you everybody who said nice things! I really only had one negative comment, someone who took issue with Xavier's mom being "stupid" - which I totally disagree with. Was I stupid when I was a believer? Does having cognitive dissonance mean you're naïve? I love Xavier's mom! I think she's a great mom!

Man, you guys. You made my day, and motivated me to keep going.


Comments (1)


Hey, congrats! This is a great webcomic, thanks for making and sharing it.

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