ExFish, by Randy Tayler
Alternate Bible Stories #5

Jul 10, 2024

100 comics down! Now about the art...

Look. I know 100 isn't a big number. Most numbers, in fact, are bigger than that. But for me, meeting a goal I've set for myself ONE HUNDRED TIMES IN A ROW feels mammoth.

I've been pretty lackadaisical about the strip, really. I keep thinking, eh, "I'll be more serious about the art when it's got more readers," or "I'll market it and get more readers when the art's better."

I haven't studied art, especially comics. Just a lot of doodling over the years. It helps that my brother is a cartoonist, so I've picked up more than the average person, but I haven't enlisted his help because 1) he's still a Latter-day Saint, and 2)...

I guess that's the only reason. I can't imagine he'd want to help in a project that runs contrary to his beliefs. 

So, I'm going to pick up some books, or watch some videos, or something. I think the art style will vary a lot in the near future as I try things out.

One thing I'm unlikely to try, though, is actually coloring. I'm moderately colorblind. I have had so many bad experiences with coloring that I'm actually a bit colorphobic, if that's a word. I can look up RGB color codes, but something still seems risky. Isn't that weird? 

I like wearing blacks and grays because they're less likely to clash.

I don't have any decorations yet in my condo because the color scheme might look wrong.

I don't have any witty comparison to "seeing the world in black and white," but if I did, I'd put it right here.

Thanks for reading the comic, everybody. 

Comments (5)


I'm following along with every panel - RSS may not be a strong signal, but you've got followers!


100 is a big number. I've been reading this since you posted about it on reddit a while back, and it's been nice to be here. If you decide to improve the art style or if you just keep it the way it is, I'm here for it. I connect with the dialogue in a pretty meaningful way, so I'm happy with the art no matter what you decide to do.


Thank you!


Ouch, your brother's still in the fold? That's tough, I hope you're still on talking terms though. I know some communities completely isolate those who leave.

That aside, congratulations on 100!

And don't worry about the colour - all manga are in b&w anyway :D


Yeah, my siblings are all still LDS, but we're all great. We don't talk much about the church, but we get together once a month or so.

Thanks for reading! I love that this is connecting for some people.

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